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kids workout activities at home

Fun Workout Activities and Exercise Games to Get Kids Moving at Home

Getting exercise and being physically active is an important component of your child's current and future health and wellbeing. Regular exercise means kids will have stronger muscles and bones, a decreased risk of being overweight, leaner bodies, lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and a lower chance of getting type 2 diabetes. On top of all of that, it can help your children have a better outlook on life and boost their mental health.

When we think about workout activities as adults, it likely brings to mind things like lifting weights, going on runs, or heading to the gym. For kids, however, being active can incorporate lots of playful activities like games, sports, dancing, and riding bikes.

With many of us stuck at home since the implementation of coronavirus lockdowns and social distancing measures, it's been a challenge to make sure that the whole family is getting enough exercise.

Just because you can't go to the gym or your child isn't playing in sports games doesn't mean that you have to be sedentary. Let's take a look at some fun workout activities that you and your kids can do from the comfort of your own home.

1. Have a Dance Party

If you're looking for indoor activities for you and your kids, having a dance party might be an awesome option. This is particularly true if your kids are reluctant to exercise, as they might not view dancing in the same light they view going for a run or a walk.

You can either stream a YouTube dance class or you could simply put on some groovy music and start moving around. One of the best things about dancing is that there's no wrong way to do it. This is a great way for your kids to get some energy out and to ensure that they're getting some cardio when stuck at home.

This is also a great opportunity to role-play or put a fancy dress on. Put together a shiny disco look with a range of makeup and accessories to bring the groove back to your living room.

family and kid dancing at home

2. Make a Game Out of Hopping Around the Yard

There are endless wonderful games you can create using these little tikes Space Hoppers. Whether it's a rousing game of tag with all your children hopping around, an obstacle course, or an endurance challenge, this is a great kids fitness idea. If you don't have a yard, you can totally create fun hopping games indoors, too.

3. Take an Online Class

Just because you're at home, it doesn't mean that you and your kids have to do your indoor fitness activities alone. Consider doing an online exercise class, whether it be yoga, aerobics, or dance.

Turn your living room into a fitness area and have the whole family participate. This can become a fun new lockdown ritual that gets everyone moving. It's also just a great way to spend quality time together.

4. Do Some Gardening

There are also a lot of fun fitness ideas that you can implement that combine household chores with exercise. Starting a garden is a great way to get your kids outside, moving around, and teach them about the cycles of nature.

While you are outside working on the garden, you can incorporate smaller children by making a game out of doing laps around the garden or making it a timed game to see how fast they can bring weeds to the compost pile.

kid gardening exercise at home

5. Build an Obstacle Course

If you are stuck at home and you don't even have a back garden to play in, never fear. There are some awesome indoor activities that can get both you and your kids moving.

Even if your home is small, you can find creative ways of building an obstacle course. Depending on how old your kids are, you can have them participate in building the obstacle course.

Move furniture around and incorporate everyday objects to turn your living area into a fun challenge. Your kids will love this and you'll probably have the time of your life, too.

6. Play Some Fun Bubble Games

There are so many fun games you can play with bubbles, and endless opportunity to invent new games, too. Consider playing some bubble hide and seek, where the seeker blows bubbles to tag the people hiding. As each hider is tagged by the bubbles, they join the seeker to find the others.

7. Start Or End Your Day With a Walk

Building routines is important for all children, but it might be more important now than ever. With regular activities and schooling disrupted for many children, it's important that there is some structure to their days.

One easy and simple way to make sure you're getting some exercise and fresh air during the lockdown is to take a daily walk with the whole family. This might mean hiking through a forest path nearby or simply doing a loop around your neighbourhood.

There are so many health benefits to walking we could never list them all here, but going on regular walks can help you and your family burn calories, strengthen your hearts, boost immune function, and boost your energy. It's also one of the easiest and least stressful ways to just get out of the house for a while.

These Workout Activities Will Keep You and Your Family Active, Fit, and Happy!

Participating in workout activities isn't just important because it keeps our physical health in check. It's also vital for our mental health, too. Exercise is known to be a great way to help manage stress, which might be particularly crucial in the time of the coronavirus and widespread lockdowns.

Are you looking for some fun toys to keep your kids moving and active during the lockdown? We can help you empower DIY ideas with many of our items. Check out our online store for fun indoor physical games today!

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