10 Easy Elf On The Shelf Ideas
It's that time of year again! Waking up at midnight thinking S**T I've not put the elf out! Oh, we feel your pain. But the precious look on the kids faces each morning is too sweet not to participate.
So we've put a few ideas together for them nights when you need a last minute hand. Here are Our 10 Elf on the Shelf ideas.
1. Who Ate All The Chocolates?!
There's always a chocolate wrapper lying around at this time of year, so why not use them as props for our cheeky elf.
2. Selfie Elfy
Say cheese! simply set your phone up in the arms of elf and their you have it!
3. Elf On A Roll - Toilet Roll That Is
If you don't fancy wrapping toilet paper around the tree, here's a simplified version of the classic elf idea. Insert elf into a toilet roll and unravel down the stairs.
4. Elf And His New Buddies
You can create this idea with eggs, apples, oranges, or even tins! Grab a sharpie and draw some funny faces on your chosen items. Now elf has his buddies!
5. All Aboard The Train - Shoe Shoe!
Line up your shoes in a conga train line and off they go! For an added affect, place in other figurines and teddies in the other shoes as passengers.
6. Toasty Warm Marshmallows!
Candle + mini marshmallows + cocktail stick = Mini elf campfire!
7. Colouring Gone Crazy!
Take one of your little ones activity books and some colouring pens and let elf loose! Alternatively, elf could bring the activity books and colouring pens as gifts for you little ones in December.
abeec Christmas activity books & abeec 100 felt tips make a great gift from little elves.
8. Snow Elf Angels
Use flour or sprinkles to create an elf-shaped snow angel! It doesn't get more festive than snow angels!
9. Greedy Elf
Did your elf get hungry in the night? Take your elf and poke it out of cereal boxes, sweets, chocolate, crisps, or anything you have available.
10. Hot tub party with Barbie!
Super easy but such a fun idea, Fill your sink with water, bubbles, and any other items you have. Now place elf and some of his figurine friends around for a party!
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