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The Benefits Of Colouring In For Adults & Children

The Benefits Of Colouring In For Adults & Children

Colouring books and crayons are not just a childhood past time anymore. The activity of colouring in is beneficial in many ways for all ages. 

Whether you have growing toddlers, frustrated teens, or you're feeling a little stressed yourself, it might be a good idea to invest in some colouring books and pens. Colouring is a rhythmic activity that calms the brain.

The good thing about colouring is that, unlike some other hobbies, all you need is a set of pens and a book. It's as simple as that. No preparation, cleaning, or hassle, and colouring can be enjoyed alone or with friends.

 abeec colouring products, felt tips, oil pastels, pencils, gel pens

Benefits of colouring for Adults

1. Reduces stress and anxiety
Colouring has the ability to relax the centre of the brain. It is very similar to meditating and can induce a meditative state that is beneficial for reducing anxiety.

2. A better night's sleep
Colouring is an electronic-free bedtime ritual that won't disturb your level of melatonin. Exposure to electronic emitted light reduces your levels of the sleep hormone, melatonin.

adult colouring 

3. Improves Motor skills and Vision
Colouring is actually an impressive brain work out. It requires both sides of our brain to communicate. Whilst logic helps us to stay inside the lines, choosing colours generates a creative thought process

4. A relaxing way to socialise
Sometimes seeing friends tends to revolve around high intensity activities, as colouring actually puts you In a relaxed state, you might find you can have great chit chats and more discussions that you wouldn't usually. The same goes for colouring in as a family.

Benefits of colouring for Children

1. Develops motor skills
The action and grip of colouring in aids in the development of muscles in the fingers, hands, and wrists. This is important for lots of things such as handwriting and sports.

2. Encourages patience and relaxation
Colouring is great for encouraging children to feel more relaxed and comfortable. It's hard to think that a child could be stressed but it does happen, and colouring can have a calming relaxing effect.

Children colouring book 

3. Helps build focus and concentration
When colouring between the lines, children will have to concentrate more as they are contained to a specific area. They will need to stay focussed on the space they have to fill. Focus will help see them through any task from start to finish.

4. Promotes creativity
Colouring and drawing allows children to express their creativity and gives them freedom in choosing colours and styles. As they get more confident they can then begin to further explore things such as new mediums and patterns.

It's Fun! - Most importantly colouring in is fun and a great activity for everyone! It is an amazing art that has so many great benefits.

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